Position of Responsibility

School of Information and Library Science, Chapel Hill, NC, US
Aug 2019 - Present, Graduate Research Assistant

Amazon Alexa AI, Sunnyvale, CA, US
May 2023 - Aug 2023, Applied Scientist Intern

Amazon Alexa AI, Sunnyvale, CA, US
May 2022 - Aug 2022, Applied Scientist Intern


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, US
Aug 2019 - Present, Ph.D. in Information Science
Dissertatation: Explaining Predictive but Unintuitive Features in XAI-Assisted Decision-making: A Case Study of Deception Detection

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, US
Aug 2017 - May 2019, M.S. in Information Science
Thesis: A Medical Literature Search System for Identifying Effective Treatments in Precision Medicine pdf
Award: Dean's Achievement Award for the best Master's Thesis (2 out of 95, first Chinese student recipient in the award history)

Nanjing Forestry University, Jiangsu, China
Aug 2017 - May 2019, B.S. in Information Management and Information System
Award: Outstanding Bachelor's Thesis (top 3%)


PC Member or Reviewer: SIGIR'24, CHI'24, ICTIR'23, WWW'23
Volunteer: WWW'23, CHIIR'23